Friday, 31 August 2012

Friday fumblings

I almost let myself get away with not writing today. Almost. In fact I went to bed, said my good nights and set my alarm for my very early start. Yet here I find myself. Alone. In the dark. Writing. I felt compelled. Inspiration slapped me in the face. It is hard to sleep when your thoughts won't let you stop thinking about them. It feels good to be doing this again. I've missed it.

So my Friday is done. A good one. I spent time with my gorgeous 3 day old niece, Charlotte. The miracle of life. It is hard not to be in awe of it when you hold a little person in your arms. Through her eyes this old world is brand spanking new. Everything, an adventure for her brain. She is just starting on her story and I wish only for her to have one that ends with a happily ever after.

I know this isn't much but it is something. I feel better. I may be able to sleep now. I've got to be up early for Boot Camp in the morning. Good Night, Good Afternoon and Good morning - pick which one fits your day best but make it the first word that counts.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Thursday Pain

Love Thursday! I start my day as I start every day - to the Pink Panther Theme song. Dadum, Dadum, Dadum Dadum Dadum, Dadum dadummm, dadadadadum. It works for me, makes me smile. My husband wakes up to some tune from Top Gun. Whatever works right?

The reason I love Thursday though is because it is Kane Pain Day! A little background. Kane is my Personal Trainer. I may need to get him to pose for a picture as this blog may make him famous one day. Counting my chickens here. Anyway! He puts me through a painful 30 minute session at least every Thursday and more often when I can afford it. I love it! Love the burn, love the pain for days after and love that I'm getting fitter. 

Perhaps a little more background on me. 2 years and 9 months ago I was 36 kilos heavier than I am now. I ate badly, didn't exercise and enjoyed my Red Wine (um capitals imply I still do and the implication is correct, just less frequent these days). From the age of 10 I've always been going on some diet, some fad, taking some pills, starving myself, throwing up, losing weight, putting it all plus more back on. Endless cycle of fat to thin and back to fat till I was classified obese and hating it. You've all heard this story a thousand times. This time I did something different. I joined a gym. Met Kane. Didn't follow any fad diets- just followed all the rules I've learnt along the way with some guidance from Kane. Made some amazingly supportive friends at the gym. My husband gave me unwavering encouragement and patience. Signed up for 12 week Challenges and Boot Camps and started running. I'm addicted now and there is no going back. This paragraph almost makes it sound easy. It wasn't. It was hard. I did it though. And I'm still going. 

Maybe I should give my Thursday blog a theme - Thankful Thursdays maybe?  Today I'm thankful that I met  Kane. He helped me change my life. 

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Time to start

First day on a new Blog. I'm feeling a little bit daunted. The first impression - they do say - is the lasting one. Deep breath.
I decided it was time to move on from my old Blog. Been so long since I wrote there anyway that it felt a bit like returning to a happy, old life - you feel comfortable, secure but the weight of previous expectations is draped around your shoulders like your favourite Winter TV blanket. I decided I needed to throw off that blanket and, with Spring around the corner, embrace a brand new Blog!

Welcome to the Super Jay Blog!