Thursday, 7 March 2013

Thankful Thursday #19

On this Thankful Thursday I'm feeling most especially grateful to all the Carers in this world. I refer to the broad sense of the word - not just to the professionals who wear this job title.
In the last week I've had 2 family members in hospital. One is very old and the other very young. They live in different countries to me and to one another. Both were taken care of very nicely. By Doctors, Nurses, their Mom and Dad, and daughters. I am grateful to these people.

I wouldn't want to imagine a world without people of a caring nature. I must say to choose that kind of a profession, one where you look after people who can't look after themselves any more, well, it takes a mighty special kind of person to selflessly care for another human being. In this world we live in we seem to be confronted everyday by news stories, or even our own witnessing, of people who do the unthinkable (well to me anyway) to other  people.

I love it when I hear the good stories of people taking care of each other. People looking out for each other.
So thank-you caring people! Thank-you for the love you give, the time you take, the smiles you bring, the comfort you bestow. May you always be richly blessed!

Take care of one another! And remember- to use the words of Bill and Ted - to 'be excellent to one another!'

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