Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Some days

Some days you wake up and you know it's going to be an awesomely happy day. Other days you need to work harder at making it one. Today fell into the later for me. I reckon I succeeded. I'm here. I'm blogging. Feeling pretty happy.

I try to surround myself with positive and uplifting people. I do my best not to let the negative ones get into my head. Bad days happen to everyone but it is not dwelling on the bad moments and latching onto the good in your day that can make all the difference. I've got a few favourites. 

My husband. He is my best friend - starting and ending every day with him makes me happy. Love and laughter, 2 things we have in abundance. 

Breakfast. My favourite meal of the day. If I get my breakfast right then I'm set for a good day. Deprive me of breakfast for too long and you have *Grumpy Super Jay on your hands. You wouldn't like her. Trust me. My first workout of the day I like to do on an empty stomach. Just a preference I guess. As long as it is within an hour of me waking up *GSJ will not make an appearance. Lucky for those I train with in the morning. 

A hard, sweaty, heart racing workout. Can't beat that for getting the endorphins pumping and firing where you need them. Today, when the mid morning slump kicked in, I took myself off for a run. Only ran 4km but I got out into the sun. I got my heart rate up. I sweated. I felt great. It revitalised me and I could refocus on the other tasks I needed to do.

Music. I've mentioned before my love for music. Having a down day and I pump the tunes. Loud. The Violent Femmes, my first choice. Take me back to high school days, London days and other important bookmarks in my life. Mostly I just grab the ipod, plug it into the speakers and put it on shuffle. It works for me. 

Gym. I realise I mentioned working out already but this is another side of working out. This is the place. My gym rocks. It is filled with positive, smiling, inspirational people and always leave there happy. 

Friends. Those far away you know will always be there and are only an email or phone call away. Those close by who seem to know when to rock up with flowers or who you can call on to grab a coffee when you need a bit of a girlie chat. Makes all the difference some days. 

Life is fabulous. So much good stuff in every day if you just grab it. 

1 comment:

  1. Gym, music, friends and surprises that lift you up. Nothing like a good workout at the gym, with friends and then receiving a nice surprise. Life is good. Nik x


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