Today I'm declaring that I am thankful for all the little things. Everyday is filled with so many little things and I hardly notice them today I've taken notice:
- I am thankful for my good morning hug and kiss from my husband - I'm beautiful in the morning.
- Ever so grateful for my first perfect cup of coffee - yes, I need my coffee in the morning.
- For my car starting happily.
- For the friendly smile from a stranger at the gym.
- For the wave from a friend.
- For the high five from Kane after trying to break me this morning.
- For my second perfect cup of coffee with my hard earned breakfast. I've mentioned how much I do love breakfast.
- My long, hot shower.
- The clothes that hang a little looser on me.
- For the hot sun and the cool breeze.
- 100% mark on a chapter test.
- The sweet message from a friend.
- The smell of clean washing when you open the machine.
- The sounds of sirens heading away from me.
- My favourite song playing when I turned on my radio.
- This feeling I have right now. A peacefulness, a serenity - possibly the desire to have a long, undisturbed nap.
I leave you with the words of one Ferris Bueller: 'Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.'
Awesome Jay.... I am thankful for being on this side of the grave and most importantly having friends who have welcomed me back... Thanks Jay